Happy 15th Birthday to Bibi Amadah Haji Rusli, the horse. *HAHA. JK dah* Our beloved sister, Miss Rusli Number 3.
May Allah bless you.
May all your dreams come true.
Belajar rajin-rajin dan dapat nombor satu. Hahaha.
We made something for you but you're not here. So, we finished them on your behalf =p
It's a puzzle. Figure it yourself. You can find the answer at the bottom of this post.
Oh, do you remember the red Indian?
He sent his regards to you and wished you a happy birthday! =P LOL.
Have a lovely one sister!
Truly yours,
Kaka n Mimah
(Miss Rusli No. 1 and Miss Rusli No. 2)
Answer to the puzzle: