Saturday, September 26, 2009

Celebrating Ramadhan


Agenda and functions during Ramadhan are the best. Break fast, terawih, recite the Qur'an, sahur and family gathering.

Semoga ibadah puasa dan amalan kita semua diterima Allah.

The Rusli.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin..

Thursday, September 10, 2009



While we were in Newcastle we had several post on 'Jeng jeng jeng' (FOOD LOVE), travelling, SLEEPOVERS, birthdays, CELEBRATIONS, barbecue, baking, cupcakes,movie nights, game nights etc... *sigh* Everything must come to an end. Some of us will be leaving to pursue LIFE!.. Anyway, wish you all goodluck with the dessertation results.. Job-huntings and Kawin! hahahahah :P Kurangkan makan..Hidup Sihat selalu! Here's a video I made.. Im v.sorry with the poor editing and limited pictures. Hope you guys love it and will never forget this happy family we had in Newcastle 2009...

'24 Brighton Grove might not be Brunei but it really felt like home with you guys around!'


Love always,

Mimah and Jajah

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This year Ramadhan


Jajan n Mimah, are in Brunei for the whole month of this year Ramadhan. Last year in Newcastle, we did some preparations for Hari Raya like making satay, this year, we are back to help our mother with her business. It's like a tradition. To fill in our days before baduk.

For this year Hari Raya, Babu have looked into new recipes and found one which we think it's cute! Mushroom biscuits!

Cute kann?

And of course babu's pineapple tart is still on top of the list for the most popular order.

* this picture they werent bake yet! =D*

Enjoy the Ramadhan while we can.

Semoga kita dibekarti dan dirahmati Allah.

Thank you,
Jajah n Mimah.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Selamat Berpuasa


Alhamdulillah, we have reached the 12th day of Ramadan (2nd. September, 2009). Mudah-mudahan semua sentiasa sihat sejahtera, murah rezeki, cerah masa depan dan dipanjangkan umur. amiin.. Rusli Morni, our father was from the Tutong District and on the 7th day of Ramadan we break our fast at the kampong he grew up, Kampong Sengkarai Tutong. For the first time we had our Sungkai and Terawih di rumah Tutong.

Our Little Cousins.

Imam was his 2nd brother, Hj Junaidi.

Hadi - Bilal.

His sisters, ipar(s), niece, children and Wife! In Tutong, Niece and nephews refers him as 'Olong' whereas his siblings and ipar(s) call him 'sinung'.
Our Tutong house has this beautiful traditional architecture which makes it very special.

Thank you,

Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa ..

Mimah and Jajah