I should be doing my revision right now but im tired and my brain is not functioning. so, here I am blogging. ehe. we had 2 occasions happening last week. first was celebrating Umi's and Zizan's advanced bday and second was yesterday, arina's farewell.
Advanced surprised bday bash for Umi and Zizan on 7th Jan.
The camera battery was running low, thus not many photos.
Had finger food for dat evening, Yaya made stuffed mushroom. Nyaman yaaa! Jajah n Mimah goreng popia. We alo had guitar hero and sing-star battles.
To umi, enjoy Brunei babe! Bawa balik makanan byk2 dari sana. haha. We love u!
Small farewell party for Arina, 11th Jan.
Best wishes Arina!
While waiting for her..
Mimah made baked fries with cheese, tuna macaroni and stuffed mushroom (lpas belajar dari yaya) tapi stuffed mushroom tinggal 2 sebelum acara dat was why u cant see them in any of the pictures. ehe. I made marmalade bread pudding, masam ckit pasal terlabih juice. Kak Rem bawa nasi kebuli (sp?), thank u ka! N we ordered 3 pizzas and 2 whole chickens.
Stuffed mushroom yg inda sampai berhidang. =D
To Arina, thanks for being a sister, housemate and friend! Thank you for everything and sorry for all our wrong doing. Wish u all the best for the future and hopefully u get good job with good $$! ;)
What's next? Party before exams! Mimah n nadz first paper is tomorrow, 13th Jan. Sharon n I will be on the 14th. We were sick with books n notes so we made our own sushi for dinner. Kami inda terdpt sushi vinegar so I made my own sushi vinegar n mixed with rice. Mimah buat talur goreng n merabus crab stick n salami, Sharon menggulung and Nadz merasa. ehe. Ada dalam 20 potong sushi semuanya.
Orang melayu makan makanan jepun.
To my beloved 72 Dilston sisters, good luck for exams! Study smart. Kalau makan atu, lagau2 org di bilik. Hehe. Love u girls to bits.
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