A friend asked me: BB! you're a sculptor or a painter? (until now.. I hv no idea! bt.. I think i'll pick sculptor for 2nd year-insyaallah..amiiin..hihhih..actually I want both.. teacher baah..~)
btw.. This is one of the early sculpture project. Theme: METAMORPHOSIS (changing one object to another) Macam 'Transformers' or.. remember the story book dulu.. 'metamorphosis'? heehee..
Initially, the picture above is from a pair of 'Red Indian' boots! Too bad, I dont have the picture.. its in the old laptop yang disappear ah....(*sigh* no backup). My sculpture tutor called these figures 'Dollies'.haha
ok ok.. Description: The figures upper part, made up of.. strips of the boot's fabric rolled and glued together with the boot's 'tapak kasut'(yg sudah dipotong halus2) heheh.. :P Sebenarnya the project wants us to change an object without any additional material to it. I do have the explanation for this project but I prefer presenting it. :)
While carrying these sculpture home ada bah kanak-kanak ani dalam bus. Macam bebelasan lah umurnya. Adakaa patut! Di usapnya gaun 'hula-girl' atu! haahha..
Kamu tempted jua kan gosok? :P
okaay..Take Care Everyone!
Mimah :)
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